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    Overseas Influencer Marketing Agency

    We possess a network pool of over 80,000 power influencers worldwide, and we conduct annual influencer evaluation and management.


    Influential influencer network

    Since 2006, leveraging our extensive experience, we have built a network pool of over 80,000 powerful influencers across 19 languages worldwide, along with numerous product testing networks. This enables us to offer tailored influencer marketing services to our clients whenever they need them.

    Customized services for power influencers.

    We recommend power influencers with high cost-effectiveness tailored to the customer by measuring user influence from S-grade global top influencers to A, B, C, D grades.



    Influencers from various fields.

    We provide tailored influencers from various categories such as beauty, tech, appliances, lifestyle, parenting, food, fitness, health, travel, business, export, sales, music, and apps to suit the needs of our clients.



    Influencer Invitation Marketing

    Inviting overseas influencers for corporate visits, local promotions, and other promotional activities targeted at international users. This method is utilized in various sectors such as tourism, hotels, exhibitions, duty-free shops, as well as at exhibitions like CES, trade shows, corporate events, and more.


    The benefits of overseas influencer marketing

    Influencers are highly effective for promoting purchase intent and increasing brand preference among potential customers through recommendations or informative content, rather than traditional advertising methods.
    Their advantages include possessing a base of followers, which yields primary exposure and the potential for secondary dissemination, as well as the influence of their recommendations on follower behavior, leading to additional effects.
    These unique advantages set them apart from traditional advertising methods.

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